Santos Bravo Yuste
- Catedrático de Física Teórica/Full Professor of Theoretical Physics
- Despacho/Office: B-209
- Dirección/Address: Departamento de física. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Extremadura . E-06071 Badajoz , España/Spain
- Teléfono/Phone: +34 924 289529
- Fax: + 34 924 289651
- Email: santos@unex.es
- Research ID: E-9250–2011
- Orcid ID: 0000-0001-8679-4195
- Scopus ID: 7004196189
- Google Scholar
- Líneas de investigación/Topics:
- Caminantes aleatorios y difusión anómala/Random walks and anomalous diffusion.
- Ecuaciones de estado y estructura de líquidos/Equations of state and structure of liquids.
You can find here Mathematica programs that implement the Rational Function Approximation (RFA) method for obtaining analytical expressions for the radial distribution functions and structure factors of single- and multi-component mixture of additive hard spheres [see S. B. Yuste, A. Santos and M. López de Haro, J. Chem. Phys., vol. 108, 3683 (1998)] and sticky hard spheres [see A. Santos, S.B. Yuste and M. López de Haro, J. Chem. Phys., vol. 109, 6814 (1998)].

Here you can find Mathematica notebooks for solving Fractional Diffusion Equations (FDEs) by means of finite difference methods.