Publicaciones – Vicente Garzó
- V. Garzó and Andrés Santos, Kinetic Theory of Gases in Shear Flows. Nonlinear Transport (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2003).
- V. Garzó, Granular Gaseous Flows. A Kinetic Theory Approach to Granular Gaseous Flows (Springer Nature, Cham, 2019).
Original papers in Regular Journals
- V. Garzó and J. de la Rubia, Coupling between shear flow and temperature gradient for the very hard particle interaction, Chem. Phys. Lett. 132, 526-530 (1986).
- A. Santos, J. J. Brey, and V. Garzó, A kinetic model for steady heat flow, Phys. Rev. A 34, 5047-5050 (1986).
- V. Garzó, Generalized transport coefficients in a gas with large shear rate, Mol. Phys. 61, 421-432 (1987).
- V. Garzó and J. de la Rubia, The Hilbert expansion of the BGK equation, Chem. Phys. Lett. 135, 143-146 (1987).
- V. Garzó, Transport properties in disparate-mass binary gases, Chem. Phys. Lett. 141, 255-260 (1987).
- V. Garzó and J. de la Rubia, Solution of the BGK model kinetic to study a system with a constant temperature gradient, Anales de Física A 84, 25-30 (1988).
- V. Garzó, On the derivation of the Burnett hydrodynamic equations from the Hilbert expansion, Physica A 149, 551-560 (1988).
- V. Garzó, Perturbative solution of the BGK equation for very hard particle interaction, Mol. Phys. 63, 517-521 (1988).
- V. Garzó, A. Santos, and J. J. Brey, A kinetic model for a multicomponent gas, Phys. Fluids A 1, 380-383 (1989).
- V. Garzó, A. Santos, and J. J. Brey, Influence of nonconservative external forces on self-diffusion in dilute gases, Physica A 163, 651-671 (1990).
- V. Garzó and A. Santos, Divergence of the nonlinear thermal conductivity in the homogeneous heat flow, Chem. Phys. Lett. 177, 79-83 (1991).
- V. Garzó and M. López de Haro, Tracer diffusion in shear flow, Phys. Rev. A 44, 1397-1400 (1991).
- V. Garzó and A. Santos, Exact solution of the Boltzmann equation in the homogeneous color conductivity problem, J. Stat. Phys. 65, 747-760 (1991).
- V. Garzó, Transport equations from the Liu model, Phys. Fluids A 3, 1980-1982 (1991).
- A. Santos and V. Garzó, An exact solution of the Boltzmann equation for a binary mixture, Transp. Theory and Stat. Phys. 21, 403-416 (1992).
- V. Garzó and M. López de Haro, Kinetic models for diffusion in shear flow, Phys. Fluids A 4, 1057-1069 (1992).
- V. Garzó and A. Santos, Nonlinear mass and momentum transport in a dilute gas, J. Chem. Phys. 97, 2039-2045 (1992).
- A. Santos and V. Garzó, Self-diffusion in a dilute gas under heat and momentum transport, Phys. Rev. A 46, 3276-3287 (1992).
- A. Santos, V. Garzó, and J. J. Brey, Comparison between the homogeneous-shear and the sliding-boundary methods to produce shear flow, Phys. Rev. A 46, 8018-8020 (1992).
- V. Garzó and A. Santos, Color conductivity induced by a shear-rate dependent color field, J. Chem. Phys. 98, 6569-6570 (1993).
- V. Garzó, Kinetic model for transport around uniform shear flow, Mol. Phys. 78, 1129-1141 (1993).
- V. Garzó and M. López de Haro, Effect of mass-ratio dependence of the force law for tracer diffusion in shear flow, Phys. Fluids A 5, 1059-1061 (1993).
- M. López de Haro and V. Garzó, On the Burnett equations for a dense monatomic hard-sphere gas, Physica A 197, 98-112 (1993).
- J. J. Brey, A. Santos, and V. Garzó, Analysis of the Evans and Baranyai variational principle in dilute gases, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 2730-2733 (1993).
- V. Garzó and A. Santos, Heat and momentum transport in a gaseous dilute solution, Phys. Rev. E 48, 256-262 (1993).
- V. Garzó, Thermal conductivity of a dilute gas in a thermostatted shear-flow state, Phys. Rev. E 48, 3589-3593 (1993).
- A. Santos, V. Garzó, J. J. Brey, and J. W. Dufty, Singular behavior of shear flow far from equilibrium, Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 3971-3974 (1993). Erratum: Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 1392 (1994).
- J. M. Montanero, M. Alaoui, A. Santos, and V. Garzó, Monte Carlo simulation of the Boltzmann equation for steady Fourier flow, Phys. Rev. E 49, 367-375 (1994).
- C. Marín, V. Garzó, and A. Santos, Nonlinear transport in a dilute binary mixture of mechanically different particles, J. Stat. Phys. 75, 797-816 (1994).
- V. Garzó, Heat flux induced by an external force in a strongly shearing dilute gas, J. Chem. Phys. 101, 1423-1430 (1994).
- V. Garzó and M. López de Haro, Kinetic model for heat and momentum transport, Phys. Fluids 6, 3787-3794 (1994).
- A. Santos and V. Garzó, Exact moment solution of the Boltzmann equation for uniform shear flow, Physica A 213, 409-425 (1995).
- V. Garzó and A. Santos, Comparison between the Boltzmann and Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook equations for uniform shear flow, Physica A 213, 426-434 (1995).
- A. Santos, V. Garzó, and J. J. Brey, On the validity of a variational principle for far-from-equilibrium steady states, Europhys. Lett. 29, 693-698 (1995).
- V. Garzó and M. López de Haro, Tracer diffusion under shear flow for general repulsive interactions, Phys. Fluids 7, 478-486 (1995).
- V. Garzó, Heat transport in a dilute gas under uniform shear flow, Phys. Rev. E 51, 3156-3163 (1995).
- J. M. Montanero, A. Santos, and V. Garzó, Analysis of the stability of the uniform shear flow from a Monte Carlo simulation of the Boltzmann equation, Phys. Lett. A 203 , 73-76 (1995) .
- V. Garzó, Thermal transport generated by an external force in a sheared dilute gas, J. Chem. Phys. 103, 4626-4631 (1995).
- J. M. Montanero, A. Santos, and V. Garzó, Does the Gaussian thermostat maximize the phase-space compression factor?, J. Stat. Phys. 81, 989-1005 (1995).
- C. Marín, V. Garzó, and A. Santos, Transport properties in a binary mixture under shear flow, Phys. Rev. E 52, 3812-3819 (1995).
- V. Garzó and A. Santos, Diffusion in a gaseous dilute solution under heat and momentum transport, Phys. Rev. E 52, 4942-4951 (1995).
- M. López de Haro and V. Garzó, Shock waves in a dense gas, Phys. Rev. E 52, 5688-5691 (1995).
- J. M. Montanero, A. Santos, and V. Garzó, Singular behavior of the velocity moments of a dilute gas under uniform shear flow, Phys. Rev. E 53, 1269-1272 (1996).
- C. Marín, A. Santos, and V. Garzó, Non-equilibrium phase transition in a binary mixture, Europhys. Lett. 33, 599-604 (1996).
- C. Marín, J. M. Montanero, and V. Garzó, Kinetic models for diffusion generated by an external force, Physica A 225, 235-253 (1996).
- J. M. Montanero, A. Santos, and V. Garzó, Monte Carlo simulation of the Boltzmann equation for uniform shear flow, Phys. Fluids 8, 1981-1983 (1996).
- C. Marín and V. Garzó, Uniform shear flow in a binary mixture with general repulsive interactions, Phys. Fluids 8, 2756-2765 (1996).
- C. Marín, J. M. Montanero, and V. Garzó, Monte Carlo simulation of the Boltzmann equation in the colour conductivity problem for general repulsive interactions, Mol. Phys. 78, 1249-1261 (1996).
- V. Garzó, Tracer diffusion under heat and momentum transport for general repulsive potentials, Physica A 234, 108-128 (1996).
- V. Garzó and M. López de Haro, Nonlinear transport for a dilute gas in steady Couette flow, Phys. Fluids 9, 776-787 (1997).
- J. M. Montanero, A. Santos, and V. Garzó, Distribution function for large velocities of a two-dimensional gas under shear flow, J. Stat. Phys. 88, 1165-1180 (1997).
- V. Garzó, Kinetic model for uniform shear flow, Physica A 243, 113-128 (1997).
- C. Marín and V. Garzó, On the validity of a variational principle for multicomponent systems, J. Chem. Phys. 107, 2573-2579 (1997).
- C. Marín, V. Garzó, and A. Santos, Tracer limit in a gas mixture under shear flow with repulsive interactions, Phys. Rev. E 56, 2291-2294 (1997).
- M. Tij, V. Garzó, and A. Santos, Nonlinear heat transport in a dilute gas in the presence of gravitation, Phys. Rev. E 56 , 6729-6734 (1997).
- C. Marín and V. Garzó, Mutual diffusion in a binary mixture under shear flow, Phys. Rev. E 57, 507-513 (1998).
- V. Garzó, Electrical conductivity in a dilute gas far from equilibrium, Phys. Rev. E 57, 4186-4197 (1998).
- J. M. Montanero and V. Garzó, Nonlinear Couette flow in a dilute gas: Comparison between theory and molecular dynamics simulation, Phys. Rev. E 58, 1836-1842 (1998).
- J. M. Montanero, M. López de Haro, V. Garzó, and A. Santos, Strong shock waves in a dense gas: Burnett theory versus Monte Carlo simulation, Phys. Rev. E 58 , 7319-7324 (1998).
- M. Tij, V. Garzó, and A. Santos, Influence of gravity on nonlinear transport in the planar Couette flow, Phys. Fluids 11, 893-904 (1999).
- C. Marín and V. Garzó, Electrical current density in a sheared dilute gas, Physica A 265, 508-519 (1999).
- V. Garzó and J. W. Dufty, Dense fluid transport for inelastic hard spheres, Phys. Rev. E 59, 5895-5911 (1999).
- J. M. Montanero, V. Garzó, A. Santos, and J. J. Brey, Kinetic theory of simple granular shear flows of smooth hard spheres, J. Fluid Mech. 389, 391-411 (1999).
- V. Garzó and J. W. Dufty, Homogeneous cooling state for a granular mixture, Phys. Rev. E 60, 5706-5713 (1999).
- J. M. Montanero, M. López de Haro, A. Santos, and V. Garzó, Simple and accurate theory for strong shock waves in a dense hard-sphere fluid, Phys. Rev. E 60, 7592-7595 (1999).
- C. Marín, V. Garzó, and M. López de Haro, Shear-rate dependent transport coefficients in a binary mixture of Maxwell molecules, Phys. Fluids 12, 717-726 (2000).
- J. M. Montanero, A. Santos, and V. V. Garzó, Monte Carlo simulation of nonlinear Couette flow in a dilute gas, Phys. Fluids 12, 3060-3073 (2000).
- V. Garzó, Heat and momentum transport in a multicomponent mixture far from equilibrium, Physica A 289, 37-56 (2001).
- M. Tij, E. E. Tahiri, J. M. Montanero, V. Garzó, A. Santos, and J. W. Dufty, Nonlinear Couette flow in a low density granular gas, J. Stat. Phys. 103, 1035-1068 (2001).
- E. E. Tahiri, M. Tij, and V. Garzó, Nonlinear transport in a binary mixture in the presence of gravitation, Physica A 297 97-114 (2001).
- J. W. Dufty and V. Garzó, Mobility and diffusion in granular fluids, J. Stat. Phys. 105, 723-744 (2001).
- J. M. Montanero and V. Garzó, Monte Carlo simulation of the homogeneous cooling state for a granular mixture, Granular Matter 4, 17-24 (2002).
- V. Garzó and J. W. Dufty, Hydrodynamics for a granular mixture at low density, Phys. Fluids 14, 1476-1490 (2002).
- J. M. Montanero and V. Garzó, Rheological properties in a low-density granular mixture, Physica A 310, 17-38 (2002).
- C. Marín and V. Garzó, Exact solution of the Gross-Krook kinetic model for a multicomponent gas in steady Couette flow, Physica A 312, 315-3341 (2002).
- V. Garzó, Tracer diffusion in granular shear flows, Phys. Rev. E 66, 0210308 (2002).
- V. Garzó and J. M. Montanero, Transport coefficients of a heated granular gas, Physica A 313, 336-356 (2002).
- S. R. Dahl, C. M. Hrenya, V. Garzó, and J. W. Dufty, Kinetic temperatures for a granular mixture, Phys. Rev. E 66, 041301 (2002).
- J. M. Montanero and V. Garzó, Shear viscosity for a heated granular mixture at low density, Phys. Rev. E 67, 021308 (2003.
- J. M. Montanero and V. Garzó, Energy nonequipartition in a sheared granular mixture, Mol. Sim. 29, 357-362 (2003).
- V. Garzó, Nonlinear transport in inelastic Maxwell mixtures under simple shear flow, J. Stat. Phys. 112, 657-683 (2003).
- V. Garzó and J. M. Montanero, Shear viscosity for a moderately dense granular binary mixture, Phys. Rev. E 68, 041302 (2003).
- V. Garzó and J. M. Montanero, Effect of energy nonequipartition on the transport properties in a granular mixture, Granular Matter 5, 165-168 (2003).
- V. Garzó and J. M. Montanero, Diffusion of impurities in a granular gas, Phys. Rev. E 69, 021301 (2004).
- A. Santos, V. Garzó and J. W. Dufty, Inherent rheology of a granular fluid in uniform shear flow, Phys. Rev. E 69, 061303 (2004).
- V. Garzó, On the Einstein relation in a heated granular gas, Physica A 343, 105-126 (2004).
- V. Garzó and A. Astillero, Transport coefficients for inelastic Maxwell mixtures, J. Stat. Phys. 118, 935-971 (2005).
- V. Garzó, Instabilities in a free granular fluid described by the Enskog equation, Phys. Rev. E 72, 021106 (2005).
- J. M. Montanero, V. Garzó, M. Alam, and S. Luding, Rheology of two- and three-dimensional granular mixtures under uniform shear flow: Enskog kinetic theory versus molecular dynamics simulation, Granular Matter 8, 103-115 (2006).
- V. Garzó, Transport coefficients for an inelastic gas around uniform shear flow: Linear stability analysis, Phys. Rev. E 73, 021304 (2006).
- V. Garzó, Segregation in granular binary mixtures: Thermal diffusion, Europhys. Lett. 75, 521-527 (2006).
- V. Garzó, J. M. Montanero, and J. W. Dufty Mass and heat fluxes for a binary granular mixture at low density, Phys. Fluids 18, 083305 (2006).
- J.M. Montanero, A. Santos, and V. Garzó, First-order Chapman-Enskog velocity distribution function in a granular gas, Physica A 376, 75-93 (2007).
- V. Garzó, A. Santos, and J.M. Montanero, Modifed Sonine approximation for the Navier-Stokes transport coefficients of a granular gas, Physica A 376 , 94-107 (2007).
- V. Garzó, Mass transport of an impurity in a strongly sheared granular gas, J. Stat. Mech. P02012 (2007).
- V. Garzó and J. M. Montanero, Hydrodynamics for inelastic Maxwell mixtures: Some applications, Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics, Academica Sinica (New Series) 2, 155-177 (2007)
- F. Vega Reyes, V. Garzó and A. Santos, Granular mixtures modeled as elastic hard spheres subject to a drag force, Phys. Rev. E 75, 061306 (2007).
- V. Garzó and J. M. Montanero, Navier-Stokes transport coefficients of d-dimensional granular binary mixtures at low density, J. Stat. Phys. 129, 27-58 (2007).
- V. Garzó, J. W. Dufty, and C. M. Hrenya, Enskog theory for polydisperse granular mixtures. I. Navier-Stokes order transport, Phys. Rev. E 76, 031303 (2007).
- V. Garzó, C. M. Hrenya,and J. W. Dufty, Enskog theory for polydisperse granular mixtures. II. Sonine polynomial approximation, Phys. Rev. E 76, 031304 (2007).
- V. Garzó, Shear-rate dependent transport coefficients for inelastic Maxwell models, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40, 10729-10757 (2007).
- A. Santos and V. Garzó, Simple shear flow in inelastic Maxwell models, J. Stat. Mech. P08021 (2007).
- V. Garzó and A. Santos, Third and fourth degree collisional moments for inelastic Maxwell models, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40, 14927-14943 (2007) .
- V. Garzó, Mass flux of a binary mixture of Maxwell molecules under shear flow, Physica A 387, 3423-3431 (2008) .
- V. Garzó, A note on the violation of the Einstein relation in a driven moderately dense granular gas, J. Stat. Mech. P05007 (2008).
- V. Garzó, Brazil-nut effect versus reverse Brazil-nut effect in a moderately granular dense gas, Phys. Rev. E 78, 020301 (Rapid Communications) (2008).
- F. Vega Reyes, V. Garzó and A. Santos, Impurity in a granular gas under nonlinear Couette flow, J. Stat. Mech. P09003 (2008).
- V. Garzó, F. Vega Reyes and J. M. Montanero, Modified Sonine approximation for granular binary mixtures, J. Fluid Mech. 623, 387-411 (2009).
- V. Garzó and F. Vega Reyes, Mass transport of impurities in a moderately dense granular gas, Phys. Rev. E 79, 041303 (2009).
- V. Garzó, Segregation by thermal diffusion in moderately dense granular mixtures, Eur. Phys. J. E 29, 261-274 (2009).
- A. Santos, V. V. Garzó and F. Vega Reyes, An exact solution of the inelastic Boltzmann equation for the Couette flow with uniform heat flux, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 179, 141-156 (2009).
- F. Vega Reyes, A. Santos and V. V. Garzó, Non-Newtonian granular hydrodynamics. What do the inelastic simple shear flow and the elastic Fourier flow have in common?, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 028001 (2010).
- A. Santos, G. M. Kremer and V. V. Garzó, Energy production rates in fluid mixtures of inelastic rough hard spheres, Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 184, 31-48 (2010).
- V. Garzó and F. Vega Reyes, Segregation by thermal diffusion in granular shear flows, J. Stat. Mech. P07024 (2010).
- V. Garzó and E. Trizac, Rheological properties for inelastic Maxwell mixtures under shear flow , J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 165, 932-940 (2010).
- F. Vega Reyes, V. Garzó and A. Santos, Class of dilute granular Couette flows with uniform heat flux, Phys. Rev. E 83, 021302 (2011).
- V. Garzó and E. Trizac, Non-equilibrium phase transition in a sheared granular mixture, Europhys. Lett. 94, 50009 (2011).
- V. Garzó, Thermal diffusion segregation in granular binary mixtures described by the Enskog equation, New J. Phys. 13, 055020 (2011).
- F. Vega Reyes, A. Santos and V. Garzó, Computer simulations of an impurity in a granular gas under planar Couette flow, J. Stat. Mech. P07005 (2011).
- V. Garzó, Transport coefficients of driven granular fluids at moderate volume fractions, Phys. Rev. E 84, 012301 (2011).
- V. Garzó and A. Santos, Hydrodynamics of inelastic Maxwell models, Math. Model. Nat. Phenom 6 (4), 37-76 (2011).
- V. Garzó and E. Trizac, Impurity in a sheared inelastic Maxwell gas, Phys. Rev. E 85, 011302 (2012).
- J. A. Murray, V. V. Garzó and C. M. Hrenya, Enskog kinetic theory for polydisperse granular mixtures. III. Comparison of dense and dilute transport coefficients and equations of state for a binary mixture, Powder Technology 220, 24-36 (2012).
- V. Garzó and F. Vega Reyes, Segregation of an intruder in a heated granular gas, Phys. Rev. E 85, 021308 (2012) .
- P. P. Mitrano, V. Garzó, A. H. Hilger, C. J. Ewasko, and C. M. Hrenya, Assessing a hydrodynamic description for instabilities in highly dissipative, cooling granular gases, Phys. Rev. E 85, 041303 (2012).
- V. Garzó and E. Trizac, Dissipative homogeneous Maxwell mixtures: ordering transition in the tracer limit, Granular Matter 14, 99-104 (2012).
- A. Santos and V. Garzó, Collisional rates for the inelastic Maxwell model: applications to the divergence of anisotropic high-order velocity moments in the homogeneous cooling state, Granular Matter 14, 105-110 (2012).
- V. Garzó, S. Tenneti, S. Subramaniam, and C. M. Hrenya, Enskog kinetic theory for monodisperse gas-solid flows, J. Fluid Mech. 712 129-168 (2012).
- F. Vega Reyes, A. Santos, and V. Garzó, Steady base states for non-Newtonian granular hydrodynamics, J. Fluid Mech. 719 431-464 (2013).
- V. Garzó, M. G. Chamorro, and F. Vega Reyes, Transport properties for driven granular fluids in situations close to homogeneous steady states, Phys. Rev. E 87, 032201 (2013). Erratum: Phys. Rev. E 87, 059906 (2013).
- V. Garzó, Grad’s moment method for a granular fluid at moderate densities. Navier-Stokes transport coefficients, Phys. Fluids 25, 043301 (2013)
- V. Garzó, J. A. Murray, and F. Vega Reyes, Diffusion transport coefficients for granular binary mixtures at low-density: Thermal diffusion segregation, Phys. Fluids 25, 043302 (2013). A Mathematica code that evaluates the diffusion transport coefficients in the first and second Sonine approximations can be download from
- L. Almazán, J. A. Carrillo, C. Salueña, V. Garzó and T. Pöschel, A numerical study of the Navier–Stokes transport coefficients for two-dimensional granular hydrodynamics, New J. Phys. 15, 043044 (2013).
- M. G. Chamorro, F. Vega Reyes and V. Garzó, Homogeneous steady states in a granular fluid driven by a stochastic bath with friction, J. Stat. Mech. P07013 (2013).
- N. Khalil and V. Garzó, Transport coefficients for driven granular mixtures at low-density, Phys. Rev. E 88, 052201 (2013).
- P. P. Mitrano, V. Garzó, and C.M. Hrenya, Instabilities in granular binary mixtures at moderate densities, Phys. Rev. E 89, 020201 (Rapid Communications) (2014).
- N. Khalil and V. Garzó, Homogeneous states in driven granular mixtures: Enskog kinetic theory versus molecular dynamics simulations, J. Chem. Phys. 140, 164901 (2014).
- N. Khalil, V. Garzó and A. Santos, Hydrodynamic Burnett equations for inelastic Maxwell models of granular gases, Phys. Rev. E 89, 052201 (2014).
- F. Vega Reyes, V. Garzó, and N. Khalil, Hydrodynamic granular segregation induced by boundary heating and shear, Phys. Rev. E 89,052206(2014).
- J. C. Pérez-Fuentes and V. Garzó, Influence of a drag force on linear transport in low-density gases. Stability analysis, Physica A 410 428 (2014).
- M. G. Chamorro, V. Garzó, and F. Vega Reyes, Navier-Stokes transport coefficients for driven inelastic Maxwell models, J. Stat. Mech. P06008 (2014).
- G. M. Kremer, A. Santos and V. Garzó, Transport coefficients of a granular gas of inelastic rough hard spheres, Phys. Rev. E 90, 022205 (2014).
- V. Garzó, N. Khalil and E. Trizac, Anomalous transport of impurities in inelastic Maxwell gases, Eur. Phys. J. E 38, 16 (2015).
- A. Kubicki and V. Garzó, Inelastic Maxwell models for monodiperse-gas solid flows, J. Stat. Mech. P03015 (2015). Erratum: J. Stat. Mech. 039902 (2016).
- V. Garzó and E. Trizac, Generalized transport coefficients for inelastic Maxwell mixtures under shear flow, Phys. Rev. E 92, 052202 (2015).
- V. Garzó, Stability of freely cooling granular mixtures at moderate densities, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 81, 497 (2015).
- M. García Chamorro, F. Vega Reyes and V. Garzó, Non-Newtonian hydrodynamics for a dilute granular suspension under uniform shear flow , Phys. Rev. E 92, 052205 (2015).
- V. Garzó, W. D. Fullmer, C. M. Hrenya and X. Yin, Transport coefficients of solid particles immersed in a viscous gas, Phys. Rev. E 93, 012905 (2016).
- V. Garzó and E. Trizac, Tracer diffusion coefficients in a sheared inelastic Maxwell gas, J. Stat. Mech. 073206 (2016).
- R. Gómez González and V. Garzó, Instabilities in granular gas-solid flows, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50, 155502 (2017).
- V. Garzó, Shear-rate-dependent transport coefficients in granular suspensions, Phys. Rev. E 95, 062906 (2017).
- H. Hayakawa, S. Takada, and V. Garzó, Kinetic theory of shear thickening for a moderately dense gas-solid suspension: from discontinuous thickening to continuous thickening, Phys. Rev. E 96, 042903 (2017). Erratum: Phys. Rev. E 101, 069904(E) (2020).
- F. Vega Reyes, A. Lasanta, A. Santos, and V. Garzó, Energy nonequipartition in gas mixtures of inelastic rough hard spheres: The tracer limit, Phys. Rev. E 96, 052901 (2017). Erratum: Phys. Rev. E 100, 049901(E) (2019).
- N. Khalil and V. Garzó, Heat flux of driven granular mixtures at low density: Stability analysis of the homogeneous steady state, Phys. Rev. E 97, 022902 (2018). Erratum: Phys. Rev. E 99, 059901(E) (2019).
- V. Garzó, A. Santos, and G. Kremer, Impact of roughness on the instability of a free-cooling granular gas, Phys. Rev. E 97, 052901 (2018).
- V. Garzó, R. Brito, and R. Soto, Enskog kinetic theory for a model of a confined quasi-two-dimensional granular fluid, Phys. Rev. E 98, 052904 (2018). Erratum: Phys. Rev. E 102, 059901(E) (2020). An integrated version including the modifications noted in the Erratum can be found in arXiv:1803.03429.
- R. Gómez González and V. Garzó, Simple shear flow in granular suspensiones: Inelastic Maxwell models and BGK-type kinetic model, J. Stat. Mech. 013206 (2019).
- A. Lasanta, F. Vega Reyes, V. Garzó, and A. Santos, Intruders in disguise: Mimicry effect in granular gases, Phys. Fluids 31, 063306 (2019).
- R. Gómez González and V. Garzó, Transport coefficients for granular suspensions at moderate densities, J. Stat. Mech. 093204 (2019).
- R. Gómez González and V. Garzó, Influence of the first-order contributions to the partial temperatures on transport properties in polydisperse dense granular mixtures, Phys. Rev. E 100, 032904 (2019).
- R. Gómez González, N. Khalil and V. Garzó, Enskog kinetic theory for multicomponent granular suspensions, Phys. Rev. E 101, 012904 (2020).
- R. Gómez González and V. Garzó, Non-Newtonian rheology in inertial suspensions of inelastic rough hard spheres under simple shear flow, Phys. Fluids 32, 073315 (2020).
- N. Khalil and V. Garzó, Unified hydrodynamic description for driven and undriven inelastic Maxwell mixtures at low density, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 53, 355002 (2020).
- S. Takada, H. Hayakawa, A. Santos, and V. Garzó, Enskog kinetic theory of rheology for a moderately dense inertial suspension, Phys. Rev. E 102, 022907 (2020).
- R. Brito, R. Soto and V. Garzó, Energy nonequipartition in a collisional model of a confined quasi-two-dimensional granular mixture, Phys. Rev. E 102, 052904 (2020).
- V. Garzó, R. Brito and R. Soto, Navier-Stokes transport coefficients for a model of a confined quasi-two-dimensional granular binary mixture, Phys. Fluids 33, 023310 (2021).
- R. Gómez González, N. Khalil and V. Garzó, Mpemba-like effect in driven binary mixtures, Phys. Fluids 33, 053301 (2021).
- V. Garzó, Comment on «Kinetic theory models for granular mixtures with unequal granular temperature: Hydrodynamic velocity» [Phys. Fluids 33, 043321 (2021)], Phys. Fluids 33, 089101 (2021). Erratum: Phys. Fluids 34, 089902 (2022).
- R. Gómez González and V. Garzó, Time-dependent homogeneous states of binary granular suspensions, Phys. Fluids 33, 093315 (2021).
- R. Gómez González and V. Garzó, Kinetic theory of granular particles immersed in a molecular gas, J. Fluid Mech. 943, A9 (2022).
- M. García Chamorro, R. Gómez González and V. Garzó, Kinetic theory of polydisperse granular mixtures: Influence of the partial temperatures on transport properties. A review, [Featured article in Entropy] Entropy 24, 826 (2022).
- E. Abad, S. Bravo Yuste and V. Garzó, On the mean square displacement of intruders in freely cooling granular gases, Granular Matter 24, 111 (2022).
- R. Gómez González and V. Garzó, Enskog kinetic theory of binary granular suspensions: Heat flux and stability analysis of the homogeneous steady state, Phys. Rev. E 106, 064902 (2022).
- C. Sánchez Romero and V. Garzó, High-degree collisional moments of inelastic Maxwell mixtures-Application to the homogeneous cooling and uniform shear flow states, Entropy 25, 222 (2023).
- M. García Chamorro and V. Garzó, Assessment of kinetic theories for moderately dense granular binary mixtures: Shear viscosity coefficient [Featured article in Physics of Fluids], Phys. Fluids 35, 027121 (2023).
- V. Garzó, Towards a better understanding of granular flows, J. Fluid Mech. 968, F1 (2023).
- R. Gómez González and V. Garzó, Tracer diffusion coefficients in a moderately dense granular suspension. Stability analysis and thermal diffusion segregation, Phys. Fluids 35, 083318 (2023).
- R. Gómez González, E. Abad, S. Bravo Yuste, and V. Garzó, Diffusion of intruders in granular suspensions: Enskog theory and random walk interpretation, Phys. Rev. E 108, 024903 (2023).
- S. Takada, H. Hayakawa and V. Garzó, Rheology of a dilute binary mixture of inertial suspension under simple shear flow, Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 113J01 (2023).
- R. Gómez González and V. Garzó, Mobility and diffusion of intruders in granular suspensions. Einstein relation, J. Stat. Mech. 023211 (2024).
- V. Garzó, R. Brito, and R. Soto, Applications of the kinetic theory for a model of a confined quasi-two dimensional granular mixture: Stability analysis and thermal diffusion segregation, Phys. Fluids 36, 033326 (2024). Erratum: Phys. Fluids 36, 049901 (2024). An integrated version including the modifications noted in the Erratum can be found in arXiv:2401.03822.
- R. Gómez González and V. Garzó, Exact results for non-Newtonian transport properties in sheared granular suspensions: inelastic Maxwell models and BGK-type kinetic model, Entropy 26, 265 (2024).
- R. Gómez González, M. García Chamorro and V. Garzó, Rheology of granular particles immersed in a molecular gas under uniform shear flow, Phys. Rev. E 109, 064901 (2024).
- S. Bravo Yuste, R. Gómez González, and V. Garzó, Gaseous diffusion as a correlated random walk, Phys. Rev. E 110, 014102 (2024).
- R. Gómez González, S. Bravo Yuste, and V. Garzó, Mean square displacement of intruders in freely multicomponent granular mixtures, Phys. Rev. E 110, 064902 (2024).
- R. Gómez González, V. Garzó, R. Brito, and R. Soto, Diffusion of impurities in a moderately dense confined granular gas, Phys. Fluids 36, 123387 (2024). [Selected to appear in the AIP Publishing Service]
- P. Avilés, D. González Méndez, and V. Garzó, Kinetic model for transport in granular mixtures, Phys. Fluids 37, 023384 (2025).
Book Chapters
- V. Garzó and C. Marín, Nonlinear transport in a dilute binary mixture, in Recent Research Developments in Physics of Fluids 1, 45-60 (1998).
- J. M. Montanero and V. Garzó, Strong shock waves in a dense gas, in Recent Research Developments in Fluid Dynamics 3, 113-123 (2000)
- J. M. Montanero and V. Garzó, Nonlinear Couette flow in dilute gases, in Trends in Statistical Physics 3, 105-115 (2000).
- C. Marín and V. Garzó, Transport of mass and energy in a mixture far from equilibrium, in Trends in Statistical Physics 3, 127-136 (2000)
- V. Garzó, Kinetic theory for binary granular mixtures at low-density, Lecture Notes in Physics 753, Theory and Simulation of Hard-Sphere Fluids and Related Systems, 493-540 (2008).
- R. Gómez González and V. Garzó, Kinetic theory of binary granular suspensions at low-density. Thermal diffusion segregation, Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics and Fluctuation Kinetics, 173-190 (2022).
Conference papers
- V. Garzó, Self-diffusion in steady Couette flow, in Rarefied Gas Dynamics 17, A.E. Beylich ed. (VCH, Weinheim), 207-213 (1991).
- A. Santos and V. Garzó, Exact non-linear transport from the Boltzmann equation, in Rarefied Gas Dynamics 19, J. Harvey and G. Lord, eds. (Oxford University Press, Oxford), 13-22 (1995).
- V. Garzó and M. López de Haro, Mutual diffusion tensor of a dilute gas in a thermostatted shear flow state, in Rarefied Gas Dynamics 19, J. Harvey and G. Lord, eds. (Oxford University Press, Oxford), 50-56 (1995).
- C. Marín and V. Garzó, Momentum transport in a dilute binary mixture, in Rarefied Gas Dynamics 19, J. Harvey and G. Lord, eds. (Oxford University Press, Oxford), 244-249 (1995).
- M. López de Haro and V. Garzó, Tracer diffusion far from equilibrium, in CAM 94 Physics Meeting, A. Zepeda ed. (American Institute of Physics Press, N.Y.), 737-742 (1995).
- J. M. Montanero, V. Garzó, and A. Santos, High velocity tail in a dilute gas under shear, in Rarefied Gas Dynamics 20, C. Shen ed. (Peking University Press, Beijing), 113-117 (1997).
- C. Marín and V. Garzó, Kinetic model for momentum transport in a binary mixture, in Rarefied Gas Dynamics 20, C. Shen ed. (Peking University Press, Beijing), 91-96 (1997).
- V. Garzó, Electrical conductivity tensor in a dilute gas under Couette flow, in Proceedings of the VIII Spanish Meeting on Statistical Physics, FisEs ’97, J. A. Cuesta and A. Sánchez, eds. Anales de Física Monografías número 4, 225-226 (1998).
- C. Marín and V. Garzó, Mutual diffusion under shear flow, in Proceedings of the VIII Spanish Meeting on Statistical Physics, FisEs ’97, J. A. Cuesta and A. Sánchez, eds. Anales de Física Monografías número 4, 267-268 (1998).
- M. Tij, V. Garzó, and A. Santos, Influence of gravity on the thermal conductivity, in Rarefied Gas Dynamics 21, R. Brun, R. Campargue, R. Gatignol, and J.-C. Lengrand, eds. (Cepadues Editions, Toulouse) 239-246 (1999).
- J. M. Montanero, A. Santos, and V. Garzó, DSMC evaluation of the Navier-Stokes shear viscosity of a granular fluid , AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 762, 797-802 (2005).
- V. Garzó, Impurities in inelastic Maxwell models , AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 762, 803-808 (2005).
- V. Garzó, Segregation in moderately dense granular binary mixtures, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1027, 917–919 (2008).
- F. Vega Reyes, V. Garzó, and A. Santos, Rheological properties of a granular impurity in the Couette flow, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1027, 953-955 (2008).
- L. Almazán, C. Salueña, V. Garzó, J. A. Carrillo, and T. Pöschel, Hydrodynamics at the Navier-Stokes level applied to fast, transient, supersonic granular flows, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1051, 993-1000 (2012).
- F. Vega Reyes and V. Garzó, Energy non-equipartition in a system with a granular impurity under Couette-Fourier flow, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1051, 1017-1023 (2012).
- M. G. Chamorro, F. Vega Reyes, and V. Garzó, Homogeneous states in granular fluids driven by thermostats, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1051, 1024-1030 (2012).
- V. Garzó, Grad’s moment method for a low-density granular gas. Navier-Stokes transport coefficients, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1051, 1031-1037 (2012).
- F. Vega Reyes and V. Garzó, Thermal diffusion segregation of an impurity in a driven granular fluid, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1628, 488-493 (2014).
- F. Vega Reyes, A. Lasanta, A. Santos, and V. Garzó, Thermal properties of an impurity immersed in a granular gas of rough hard spheres, Powders and Grains 2017, EPJ Web Conf., Vol. 140,04003 (2017).
- N. Khalil and V. Garzó, Transport properties from driven inelastic Maxwell mixtures, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 2132, 130004 (2019).
- R. Gómez González and V. Garzó, First-order contributions to the partial temperatures in binary granular suspensions at low density, Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol. 252, 341 (2020).
- V. Garzó, R. Brito, and R. Soto, Stability of the homogeneous steady state for a model of a confined quasi-two-dimensional granular fluid, Powders and Grains 2021, EPJ Web Conf., Vol. 249,04005 (2021).
- R. Gómez González and V. Garzó, Non-monotonic Mpemba effect in binary molecular suspensions,Powders and Grains 2021, EPJ Web Conf., Vol. 249,09005 (2021).